The Vision
Foundations Course
All Volumes Now Available!
New Earth Relating
Volume 1 Begins Jan. 23, 2024
Mystery Schools have been in existence since ancient times. Their primary mission was to protect and preserve the ancient systems of enlightenment, healing, manifestation, transmutation and transformation so that they can be continually used by humanity for its collective progression.
In these ancient esoteric schools it was understood that the answers to the mysteries of life do not lie outside, but rather inside. These mystery schools were not actually places of learning, they were places of remembering.
The New Earth is something we as a collective human consciousness have been dreaming into being for thousands of years, and the time to step fully into that vibration and way of being is NOW!
The realization of the New Earth begins with each of us as individuals stepping into the full power and truth of who we are. For many of us, that is a tall order, because for lifetimes we have been conditioned to believe that the full beauty of our uniqueness is something to keep hidden and secret. That our gifts are not and will not be accepted by the world at large. The time for hiding has NOW come to an end.
The New Earth Now School was visioned by Intuitive Channel, Vibrational healer and Energy Medicine Teacher Katie Sutton in 2022. She was guided to create the school after a spiritual experience and reconnection with the Divine Mother Earth.
In this experience Katie was reconnected to a stream of esoteric knowledge and light codes that she has carried in previous lifetimes as a mystery school teacher in now lost civilizations. These codes were physically downloaded into her body and now the Divine Mother Earth and Katie’s other guides have asked her to birth the New Earth Now School so they may be shared with participants around the world. This path, albeit new to Katie in this incarnation is a path she has walked for lifetimes.
The New Earth is something we as a collective human consciousness have been dreaming into being for thousands of years, and the time to step fully into that vibration and way of being is NOW!
The realization of the New Earth begins with each of us as individuals stepping into the full power and truth of who we are. For many of us, that is a tall order, because for lifetimes we have been conditioned to believe that the full beauty of our uniqueness is something to keep hidden and secret. That our gifts are not and will not be accepted by the world at large. The time for hiding has NOW come to an end.
The Mystery School Method
Learn via channeled teachings, light codes and activations.
Release blockers and obstacles to your ascension path.
Bring the teachings and activations into your daily life.
This work will enable participants to feel supported throughout this time of great change and will provide a group container of community connection.
We are in the midst of a great transition on this planet and all of us are needed in order to support this shift. The time for hiding our gifts behind relationships, jobs and systems that don’t allow us to embody our full potential is over. The time is now for us to follow our hearts and redirect ourselves to the life path that most lights us up. This will require firm trust in ourselves and our connection to source and the earth. It will also require faith that if we let something go, something new and better will fall into place.

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Email our Zen Fairy calli@zenwithinacademy.com
About Katie Sutton and Her Guides
Katie Sutton is an intuitive channel, vibrational healer and way-shower who supports people on their personal path to wholeness and fulfillment. Through Zen Within Academy, Katie empowers you to live as your authentic self. Katie’s clients span a broad demographic spectrum and are united in their search for solutions to their life challenges. Her passion to provide a wide array of healing modalities and experiential programs can be tailored for both the current and future needs of her clients. She and her husband, Josh, travel across the country leading retreats and workshops where they incorporate her original and transformational 12th Dimensional Healing™ techniques and sound healing therapies which create tangible and lasting shifts for their clients.
Katie’s channeled work pulls on her deep and continual connection with the Divine Feminine Collective and the 12th Dimensional Collective to bring forward ancient teachings that have been lost to humanity for some time.
The Divine Feminine Collective is made up of:
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Goddess Sophia, Mother Gaia, Goddess Ma’at, Goddess Isis, Anna Grandmother of Jesus, White Buffalo Calf Woman and more.
The 12th Dimensional Collective is made up of:
Various star being connections such as Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra in combination with other Ascended Masters such as Yeshua/Jesus, Buddha, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Metratron and more
Katie works diligently and mindfully to create a clear channel for participants to receive teachings and activations in the highest vibration possible. Her activations and meditations are often felt in the body and spirit to a very deep and powerful degree, shifting participants all the way down to the DNA level.